
2014-15 Fulbright Fellow

Three months after giving birth to my first child, I packed up my apartment, and took my husband, new baby, and dog to Budapest.

I had received a 2014–15 Fulbright Research Fellowship in Art and Architectural History in Hungary, and though timing the birth of a baby with a transatlantic move was challenging, it was also worth it. While in Budapest, I was a guest researcher at the Iparművészeti Múzeum—the Museum of Applied Arts, where I examined twentieth century child and family-centered design initiatives and their connection to Central European political movements, migration, and nationalistic tendencies.

I also spent my days looking at architecture, textiles, books, toys, graphic design of all kinds, sculpture, furniture, dec arts, and puppetry. I researched, wrote, gave talks, and taught workshops. My family studied Hungarian, we ate like kings, and took regular trips to the city’s many bath houses. It’s fair to say that we had a good time.

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